PBV5 | 08.18.08

Testing 1 ... 2 ... 3

After a month of being out of the Neverwinter Nights loop, Shadewood has moved forward to Private Beta v5. It would have happened a lot sooner if my old computer had not decided to die but that's how it goes in the hobby business when you need your hobby the most.

As for the new system, it's doing just fine, except that I have no sound. Installing SoundMax and the drivers for the onboard sound card crashes Windows XP during the boot sequence, returning with a blue screen of death. So for now, I have no sound.

I'm feeling confident enough to say that Shadewood will be released in September now, two months behind schedule. Better late then never I suppose.

1 comment:

Birger said...

Sometime in september sounds like a pretty good date. :) Great to hear that it's nearing completion and that you managed to fix your computer!