Aribeth's Farewell | 07.11.08

1.69 Released!

So the end all of all Neverwinter Nights patches has arrived, clocking in at over 400 MB, provides a slew of new content that comes from the previous released Premium Modules. New Tilesets, placeables, monsters, music and much more, now gives builders around the world the opportunity to create new places to explore.

I almost forgot, it now adds Horses to the mix for players and NPCs alike to ride and enjoy.

Not bad for a game that's five years old and you can get it all here!

Shadewood Teaser

Sure, why not, right? The Private Beta that's in the hands of millions of testers is just around the corner and there have been lots of little fixes, suggestions and balancing in the past few weeks.

Highlight between the quotes if you'd like a slight teaser for this image.

"There are members of the Auren Society of Weavers in many places and this just happens to be one of them. Slinging magic is never easy, especially when dealing with binds created in the Land of the Dead."

Hugie ... back? | 07.08.08

Thoughts from Hugie

What's this you say? Another update to an otherwise quiet place?

It's not that quiet, you just have to learn how to listen. Each and every hour a member of the Auren Society of Weavers passes through these halls, their spirit floating through closed doors and over dusty floors.

But now there are footsteps that twirl up winding stairs and through grand chambers. Could it really be Hugie, author of the Tale of a Mage series, Shelter from the Storm, The Island, The Art of Death - Back in Black and Perchance to Dream for Neverwinter nights?

It is!

Recently, recent to me because I only troll places now and then, Hugie made an update that he's reinstalled Neverwinter Nights, downloaded his old modules and has considered building once again.

"The truth is, I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to build, yet. But I know it's going to be NWN1, and it's going to be low-mid level (I'm thinking 6-8), and it's going to deal more with character development than my past works have."

You can read the rest here.

Of course, there's no mention of Shadewood on Hugie's blog *sigh*. Instead, here's another advertisement image a member of the Auren Society of Weavers put together for you.

AME Interview | 07.02.08

An interview with grumpy Fester Pot!

There's an interview that the Academy for Modding Excellence (AME) sent ages ago that I took the time to respond to. The interview responds to questions about Almraiven, Shadewood and history on building modules.

Take a look if you've got the time here.

Beware the Beta | 07.01.08

Now my nerves perpare for a workout!

This is the moment in which I come to learn if all the work put toward building a continuation to Almraiven is received as well as my first module was received. So many expectations. Bigger, badder, more.

Now I know how Britney Spears feels.

I'm happy to announce that today, July 1, 2008, the Private Beta of Shadewood has been delivered to the first beta tester. I'm still going through a list of folks who offered after Almraiven was released and a few still haven't responded. I guess two years is a long time for anyone to be part of the Neverwinter Nights Community once said player has gotten all they've wanted from it.

I'll troll around for new prospects if required.

QSW is back too and I finally heard from her regarding a review for Shadewood. It's only fair that the one who reviewed Almraiven should get first crack at reviewing Shadewood.

Happy Canada Day too! Almost forgot that. Canada is 141 years old and that's about as old as I feel after four years of building in the toolset!

It's sunny outside today and after all the years that have gone by, I need to get some sun. People are looking at me funny because I'm wearing my Auren Society of Weavers robe all the time.