Shadewood Latest Patch | 12.17.10

. . .Liftoff!

Here are the revisions Shadewood has gone through since the last update in May 2009.


* Shadewood Hakpak updated!

* Patched module to 1.69.
   * does not include changes to ambientmusic.2da

- Removed

removed Robe of Velsharoon from the Temple and placed it in a more suitable area.

! Fixed

fixed the trigger around placeable crystals to make sure SpeakString fires only when entered by the player.

! Fixed

fixed a bug that caused Lost Soul not to spawn if player returned Astrid first and followed it with Olav. Worked fine if player returned Olav first and then Astrid.

! Fixed

fixed some spelling module wide.

! Fixed

wandering spirits have now had footstep sounds removed as well as added a new cosmetic change to their appearance.

+ Added

miscsmall/thin for spell components to stack within player's inventory. This should lower the amount of space and reagent bags required for lugging around so many reagents to cast spells and brew potions. Items now stack to 10 before creating another inventory icon.

   [requested by a number of players over the years]

+ Added

changing Auren Society Robe description when player levels letting player know what powers the runes are giving when the robe is worn. Robe also changes description when the robe is removed and the runes no longer are active.

   [requested by CheeseshireCat]

+ Added

changing Auren Society Staff or Bracers description when player equips Quarterstaff/Bracers, letting the player know what powers the runes are giving when used. Description also changes when the Quarterstaff/Bracers is removed and the runes no longer are active.

   * Bracers are offered to Gnome/Hafling characters ONLY!
   [requested by CheeseshireCat]

+ Added

added automatic auto load of Fate of the Auren at the end of Shadewood. Fate of the Auren will start only if player has downloaded it and included it in their \modules directory.


Weave the weave, brothers and sisters!

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