NWNCQ v1.2 | 04.04.10

What game is that?!

So on April 1, Chico400 of the Neverwinter Nights Community, released the ever popular and anticipated update to the already popular NWNCQ v1.1 release. Additions that expand on an already popular gaming platform are always welcomed by the community but Chico400 has taken a giant leap forward with the decorations made available in the NWNCQ package.

NWNCQ v1.2 comes in three different flavors.

Basic Override

Recommended to those who do not wish to alter the dynamics of downloaded modules but still enjoy the benifits that NWNCQ has to offer. Meaning, you will not receive additions that cause obstructions with objects, no terrain deformations, no added trees or other extras that can hide important items or placeables that a module builder added. This is especially useful for playing older modules.

Almraiven and Shadewood is fully supported with the Basic Override of NWNCQ v1.2.

Extended Override

Some obstructions with objects, terrain deformations, trees and extras.

Almraiven and Shadewood is not supported with the Extended Override of NWNCQ v1.2 due to known terrain deformations and obstructions that make it difficult to locate important placeables and items.

Builder HAK

Recommended to those new builders who wish to add the full impact of NWNCQ v1.2 to their module.

Almraiven and Shadewood does not make use of the NWNCQ v1.2 Builder HAK.

NWNCQ v1.2 Visuals

I've taken a moment to show off NWNCQ v1.2 using Almraiven, Shadewood and Fate of the Auren. The most notable difference will be the ceilings, which do add a lot to the game. They even reflect light properly, so vast corridors display depth and height, as do shadows and animated reflections. It's a nice touch to an otherwise aging game.

Inside the Green Drip

The infamous Medusa Lair

Chamber within Springwine Jones Estate

Cave exploration

An underground Laboratory

Bustling common room

Reaching ceilings of the Grand Library

If you haven't grabbed it yet, I suggest you do. The Basic Override is your safest bet if you'd like to inject some stunning visuals to some of the older modules without causing issues with obstructions, terrain deformations or added goodies that could otherwise get in your way or even hide items and placeables of importance.


Eyeball said...

Its all very well but I have found nowhere a installation guide?

PJH said...

Hey there Eyeball!

This is not my package, so you'll have to visit the vault page via the link I provided, and find what package best suits you.

If you're just a player, then I suggest you download NWNCQ_override_extended_by_chico400.rar found there under the Files listing.

It has a short description as to where to place the files (Install Directory\Override) - Example G:\Games\Neverwinter Nights\Override, which will update all the original Bioware Tilesets to this new look.

Thanks for stopping by!