A New Weave | 05.16.08

Mother of Mouthmuck!

I'm not a good blogger if the last update I put together was in January. I'm also not a good builder to interview, still having to put together the answers to the questions I was asked by the AME Crew. One day, I promise!

So, let's get right to the meat. Shadewood.

It's going beta very shortly and by that I don't mean a private beta. The final hakpak and music pack should be up on the Vault by the end of the weekend (May 18, 2008) and those who have offered to help do some testing will be notified where they can download the module.

A six minute cutscene ending was completed today. I'm not very good at doing cutscenes, so much of what's available are static camera shots while dialog is read and a few flashy things happen on screen. It takes place at the end of the events that surround Shadewood and I'm very happy with how it's turned out.

Patch 1.69 is now at Beta #10 and Craig was quoted as saying if all goes well, 1.69 Beta #10 will become the FINAL!

Great news for those of us still lingering in the Neverwinter Nights Community.

Put on your robes, fiddle with your ring and grasp your staff.

The Auren Society of Weavers and your continued adventure is about to begin.

1 comment:

QSW said...

I'm really looking forward to Shadewood, from the looks of the screenshots we are in for a really fantastic visual treat!