Fate of the Auren Update | 10.23.09

You're dead, Auren

Where does the time go? I get so caught up in area building, conversation and plot design when free time comes knocking, that I don't even realize how much time has passed since the last update.

Today though will be a few screens from the final chapter in the Auren saga, which if you did not catch in the news on the Vault, can be viewed below.

Bramblewood Moor is a hot festering bog, created from the memories of the very strange and unique creatures that call it home.

The very rocks that burst through the soil in the Stonelands are said to be so sharp, that a simple slip of the foot can easily cause one's death.

Stranger still is that of Fyr Glen, home to beings that farm the towering fungi forest of the Felwood.

But worry not, Weaver. Not all things are strange and unfamiliar.

For this is where the true home of the Auren Society of Weavers can be found.