I've been plugging and in more ways than one.
Just last Thursday I got my wisdom teeth yanked and it hasn't been very much fun since then. The time off work is nice though but using that time to plug bleeding gaps in my jaw with gauze wasn't what I was aiming for.
Today though the pain is very faint and I was able to eat a KitKat or rather, suck it to death with saliva.
The other plugging has been in Shadewood and I've actually tested it from start to finish with Falis, making notes on what still needs to be tweaked. Annex and Shayla Shay will still require a full run through before I feel comfortable enough to release to beta testers.
In other news, Ossian Studios is about to release a city adventure module for Neverwinter Nights 2. Lots of folks are excited about that, including myself. Having yet to dive into NWN2 and its ability to build, I'll be very curious just how well Westgate is designed as a city, how well it's populated and just how busy it's made to feel. Large empty streets with little to no activity is never a hit with me.
I'm sure Ossian can pull it off, there are enough folks who have the talent and experience from building their own modules, so it'll be one module I'll be keeping an eye on.
Plugging | 10.28.07 |
[RL] Calgary! | 10.11.07 |
Shadewood Q/A | 10.01.07 |
Well if you can do it, so can I. There are still those who ask me how Shadewood is coming along on the Almraiven module page now and again, so I've taken the time to create this little place to inform those who are eager to play the continuation of Almraiven.
Q: Is Shadewood coming along?
A: Yes, it's still being worked on and it's coming along. There are bugs that are still being ironed out. For anyone who builds, you know the type. Those small annoying bugs that pop-up when you complete another part of the module. Those small bugs that turn into bigger bugs because you never accounted for a particular scenario, which makes fixing them that much more annoying.
Q: Is Shadewood in the beta stage?
A: No, I have not sent it out to anyone to beta test yet. If you're one of those who offered to help, you have not been forgotten.
Q: Must I have played Almraiven to play Shadewood?
A: Yes and you must have completed it and you must have the Almraiven database files in your /database directory for Shadewood to work and run properly. If you've reinstalled Neverwinter Nights or formated your PC without backing up your /database directory, you will need to play Almraiven from start to finish to get all the required information into the Almraiven Bioware Database file.
Q: Why can't I just play Shadewood?
A: Shadewood is not a sequel. It's a continuation of the story in Almraiven, which one must complete to move forward in Shadewood. Certain variables and information are stored in the Almraiven database file that will determine your starting location in Shadewood, who your laboratory assistant is and what other events unfolded in the city.
Q: There is a HAK for Shadewood on the Vault. Should I download it?
A: No. If you have, you will have to download it again when it's updated. I uploaded it thinking I wouldn't be adding anything else to it and that was not the case as Shadewood was being developed.
Q: What can we expect in Shadewood?
A: Shadewood is a darker module, not only in area design but also in the story arc. Members of the Auren Society of Weavers focus on a magical weave they pull from the Land of the Dead to gain their power. Shadewood offers more focus on this aspect of the society than Almraiven did.
The module is also non-linear in design, which is one of many reasons it's taken longer than expected to build. You can explore any region in the module without having to focus and advance the main story arc and complete side-quests as you see fit. Of course, the main story arc is linear and must be for certain events to unfold.
One will also experience a higher volume of battles due to the fact you will now be exploring the wilderness. Some areas include tombs, caves and forgotten places, all dotted within the Forest of Mir, the Spider Swamp and the Marching Mountains.
Shadewood Info | 10.01.07 |
This is the online version of the shadewood.txt file. +----------------------------------------------------+ : Shadewood . 09.04.08 Public Release by PJH : +----------------------------------------------------+ I hope your fingers have itched in the past few months while Shadewood was in development and no doubt, your character from Almraiven has been waiting to continue his or her adventure. This module was created for a single player level Wizard or Sorcerer of any sex that has completed the first module in this series, Almraiven. If you have not played Almraiven, you will not be able to play Shadewood. Shadewood is a continuation of Almraiven and not a stand-alone module, thus you must have completed Almraiven to continue. If you have completed Almraiven but reinstalled Neverwinter Nights and did not backup your Neverwinter Nights\Database directory, you will not be able to play Shadewood. You'll need to replay Almraiven so the information from that module can be saved to the database file. The adventure takes place within the nation of Calimshan on the south-eastern shore in a wood called the Forest of Mir. Shadewood is a full wildreness adventure and is the second and final installment of two modules. Contact information : E-mail : p2k__@hotmail.com Forum : Fester Pot Web : http://aurensociety.blogspot.com Thanks to the following for offering to beta test Shadewood: John, Courtney, Rich, Lennox, Tyler and Gangster No.1. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[0]-- T O C <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ [00] Table of Contents [01] Software Requirements [02] Hardware Requirements [03] About the Module [04] Introduction [05] Currency [06] Reagents [07] Experience [08] Build Suggestions [09] Exploring the Wood [10] Conversations [11] Companions [12] The Database [13] Build Notes +----------------------------------------------------+ --[1]-- SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ Shadwood requires the following : + Neverwinter Nights 1.68 or higher + Shadows of Undrentide + Hordes of the Underdark + Almraiven Hakpak [REQUIRED] (from the first module) - almraivenhak.rar - Install jts.hak to your NWN\hak directory. + Almraiven Music [RECOMMENDED] (from the first module) - almraivenmus.rar - Install all .bmu files to your NWN\music directory. + Shadewood Hakpak [REQUIRED] - shadewhak.rar - Install jtsfom.hak to your NWN\hak directory. + Shadewood TLK [REQUIRED] - shadewtlk.rar - Install dla_treant.tlk to your NWN\tlk directory. + Shadewood Music [RECOMMENDED] - shadewmus.rar - Install all .bmu files to your NWN\music directory. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[2]-- HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ Do not attempt to play this module with an integrated graphic card. This means that the graphic card you have is built into your motherboard. Shadewood uses many placeables and an integrated graphic card may not be able to keep up with the high demand. 1 GIG of memory is suggested. 128MB Graphic Card no older than the 2001 GeForce 4600 TI cards. 200 megs of hard drive space. Shadewood was built with the requirements noted above. If your system is better than that, you'll be fine. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[3]-- ABOUT THE MODULE <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ + Single player. + Wizard or Sorcerer. + No death respawn. + No familiars. + Light to Medium combat. + Estimated 10+ hours of gameplay. + 60+ side quests. + Resting available in designated locations found in and around the wood. + Three henchmen available via quests completed in Almraiven. + Intended for characters that have completed Almraiven. + There are a number of cutscenes during the game that you cannot break out of. + Play this module alone in the dark with the lights down low for best gaming results. + Breaking out of a conversation may create problems. Just go with the options and always complete a conversation properly. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[4]-- I N T R O D U C T I O N <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ "The creak of branches catch your ear as you come to the boundary of Shadewood. Known to many as the Forest of Mir, this wood has grown out of control over the past few months. The trail left behind in Almraiven has brought you here; a foul wood that has been attacking those along the Western Passage, or so the locals of Almraiven have said. Branches reaching a little too far, roots curling upward to entangle the passer-by and spirits have been on the tongues of many. It is here your investigation continues and it is here the journey will come to an end. What started as a simple investigation will end with the Auren Society of Weavers closing the pages of old and opening up a new chapter in the arts of the arcane. Bring your skills Weaver, for you will need them all." +----------------------------------------------------+ --[5]-- C U R R E N C Y <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ The currency in Shadewood are small colored gems of various sizes known as Dinars. Their size, color and shape reflect a specific value. Due to the nature of the wood and what has become of it, Dinars will be of little use to you. Bring them along just incase, for you never know. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[6]-- R E A G E N T S <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ Reagents are very important in Shadewood as they are required to mix and brew potions that will assist you during the adventure. Some spells will also require reagents so the weave can be complete and the energy of that weave released. Failure to have a reagent for a particular spell will mean the spell simply will not be cast. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[7]-- E X P E R I E N C E <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ You will receive experience during your adventure. Particular points of interest that will earn you experience : Combat Avoiding Combat Using a Skill Brewing a Potion Learning Something New Receiving a Side Quest Advancing the Investigation Completing a Task Solving a Puzzle Surviving a Dangerous Task Saving Someone Reading a Book/Studying Creating a Weave Gaining Knowledge Do take the time to explore the wilderness. By doing so, you will find side quests that can help you gain more experience. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[8]-- B U I L D S U G G E S T I O N S <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ Shadewood can offer many experience advancements and quickly too depending on how many side quests one decides to explore. I highly suggest to go the route of a Pale Master if and when you reach enough experience for fourth level. This particular prestige class can offer a closer representation of what the Auren Society becomes in the Land of the Dead. This is purely a role-playing suggestion but can also advance the story if the Auren Society of Weavers happen to be explored in Neverwinter Nights 2. Being a Pale Master will also offer options that lean more toward the dead and since the Auren pull their power from the Land of the Dead, it's a perfect fit. Shadewood is also a lot darker than what one would have experienced in Almraiven, thus a Pale Master makes a good choice. Of course, you may continue to go up in levels as a pure Wizard or Sorcerer if you so desire. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[9]-- E X P L O R I N G T H E W O O D <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ Shadewood is all about exploring. A wilderness is nothing like what you would have experienced in Almraiven and due to this, you won't come across helpful people to guide you or point you in the right direction. Resting is limited and this is made very clear once you leave the protection of particular locations that are otherwise safe havens. Exploring will not only help you come across side quests but will also assist you in finding reagents required for spell casting as well as potion brewing. Since this module is a focus on a wilderness adventure, finding a laboratory will be difficult. Of course, once one finds such a laboratory, the pieces will begin to fall into place. I must stress, if you want to concentrate on the main plot, what you'll need to do can all be found within the Forest of Mir. Leaving the wood while you're exploring will take you elsewhere and events in which you find yourself in will not follow the main plot nor will those you happen to come across care, although some may. Although the main plot is linear in nature, you will be free to explore the entire region as you wish, as fast or as slow as you wish. Some side quests will require that you complete another side quest before you're able to continue. This is also the case with the main plot. I've taken many of the comments from Almraiven and made Shadewood much more open ended. Due to this, the module might become vast for some, as well as confusing. If you find yourself lost, return to the wood and start chipping away at the journals you've received for that particular area. This will allow you to focus on the main plot and also give you some general direction. The journal is your friend and is used as often as it can, even for some basic quests. Explore everything. I can't stress that enough and take your time doing it too. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[10]-- C O N V E R S A T I O N S <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ Kind of conversations : ----------------------- Descriptive - These will pop-up to give you more detail of the area you have entered or a description for something that is only a few feet away. If you have brought along a companion from Almraiven, they may inject a comment or two along the way. Always complete these conversations properly. Companion - As you venture forward in your investigation, find quests and new places to explore, your companion will converse with you. Always complete these conversations properly. Non-Player Characters - These are your typical conversations that will allow you to dig for information and learn a little bit more about your surroundings. Conversation options : ----------------------- These will vary depending on the situation and those you are speaking with. Skills - Skill checks are offered and made against your character based on the choices you make or questions you ask. Skill use are Bluff, Intimidate, Lore and Persuade. Even if you have 0 in the three cross-class skills, there's still a chance to gain information by other methods. Offering Dinars - When a skill check fails or there is no other option remaining, offering a certain amount of dinars can change the course of the conversation. The higher amount you offer, the better. Weaving Spells - Spells in conversations continue in Shadewood and have been expanded in an attempt to offer more conversation variety as well as make use of spells that don't make the popularity list. The following spells are used a lot in conversations: Harmful: Acid Splash, Electric Jolt, Ray of Frost PASS : NPCs will fear the power you're able to wield FAIL : Dinars or skill check or attack or nothing Horror : Fear, Scare PASS : NPCs will see things and quickly spill the beans FAIL : Dinars or skill check or attack or nothing Rigid : Ghoul Touch, Hold Person PASS : NPCs will only be able to move their eyes and lips FAIL : Dinars or skill check or attack or nothing Friend : Charm Person, Tasha's Hideous Laughter PASS : NPCs treat you like a close and trusted friend FAIL : Dinars or skill check or attack or nothing +----------------------------------------------------+ --[11]-- C O M P A N I O N S <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ Shadewood can be a lonely place, so having a companion from Almraiven will certainly spruce things up. Annex [Druid Female (Grower)] ![]() Annex is a result from completing the Darwien's Disappearance quest in Almraiven. You saved Darwien but also had to kill Falis for not saving his sister Wundra. Annex is a good companion to have in Shadewood because it takes place in the wilderness. She's also a Druid that comes with an animal companion named Patterfoot and is the most difficult of the three companions to attain. Falis Goodmane [Fighter Male, (Dancer)] ![]() Falis is a result from completing Wundra's Wonder quest in Almraiven. You helped find his sister and saved her from the Werefolk who had her locked up in the sewers. Falis specializes in the quarterstaff and is very quick on his feet but does not have any experience in adventure travel. He also has a problem with bugs and his long golden locks always come first before anything else. Shayla Shay [Sorcerer Female, (Guardian)] ![]() Shayla is a result from completing the Something in the Works quest in Almraiven. You helped find her sister and save her from the slave traders who had her locked up and ready to be shipped out. Shayla also experienced fighting Blackend Souls and knows first hand what the Darkness did in the depths below Almraiven. Her knowledge of this will continue in Shadewood as the two of you move to unlock the mystery. Shayla comes with an intelligent staff named Nala that she is bound to by magical means. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[12]-- T H E D A T A B A S E <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ Shadewood will use a campaign database in your NWN\Database directory that was created during your adventure in Almraiven. These files should not be tampered with or deleted and if they have, you will be unable to play Shadewood. When you've completed the module, your character will be exported and particular events you encountered during the adventure will be stored. If it's possible to pass this information to Neverwinter Nights 2, other modules surrounding the Auren Society of Weavers may surface in the future. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[13]-- B U I L D N O T E S <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ ++ SPOILERS REMOVED ++ ! = Fixed. + = Added. x = Removed. * = Completed. # = Latest NWN Patch. @ = Unavailable. ? = Bad bug / no fix yet. |
Shadewood Pics | 10.01.07 |
Here are the first batch of screenshots that have been released to the Vault. "Road raids and the odd creature once roamed the Western Passage but now that the wood has taken over, folks and creatures alike simply avoid it." "Shadewood does have its secrets, many of which are long and forgotten." "Sun does not shine so freely within the wood. Wild and overgrown in many parts, the soft glow of mushrooms guide those who venture too deep." "The evil of the wood is not kind to those who walk in the Land of the Living. Once a thriving local village, this place is now home to those who roam the Land of the Dead." Here are the second batch of screenshots that have been released to the Vault. "As a member of the Auren Society of Weavers, your connection with the Land of the Dead is strong. One with your abilities can see past reflections of spirits left behind. Some of those spirits may even return to the Land of the Living to answer your call." "There are places within Shadewood that one should never venture to. Creatures roaming magical havens, wild magic and elvish mysteries wrap around the tongues of drunken men and women who share such whispers with others." "Of course, the Forest of Mir is not the only place one may find themselves. Those who wander could very well end up lost within the murky depths of the Spider Swamp." "The lucky few may just stumble forward and find dry land to rest on but is a slave port in the depths of the Spider Swamp any safer? Safe enough for an Auren at least." Here are the third batch of screenshots that have been released to the Vault. "The northern reaches of the wood that rest against the roots of the Marching Mountains rarely allow the heat of the sun to melt its white blanket of snow." "Even during high noon the wood remains stubborn with its icy grip." "Ancient trees and forgotten places stand frozen in time." "But there is a place, high above, were the weave of magic pulsates." "Although such a view may look pristine to a regular observer, it is those who weave in the Arts of the Arcane that come to feel its true nature." "The corrupted mythal of Myth Unnohyr acts as a wild-magic zone by day and a dead-magic zone at night. You've been warned, Auren. Stay away." |