Happy Holidays!
I actually made it to the end of the year blog-blog wise. Who knows if anyone is reading this little corner but for those that happen to be lurking, Happy Holidays!
Christmas day went on by and I had a great time with the family and cousins as well, who happened to drop by. I don't see them that often, so it's always nice to catch up.
Of course, the reason I'm posting is to say that I'm very happy to announce the final side-quest I was working on is complete!
So what does that mean to those who are waiting for Shadewood? That the end is near. With all of the major side-quests completed, small bugs will be my issue in the weeks to come as the module is ironed out to a final beta release.
Not sure how many will offer to beta test, no one likes doing that it seems, but whatever.
I'll test it myself if need be.
I'm still debating on making Shadewood part 2. Ug. I know... I know. The module itself is almost 55 megs in size and has reached the point where the actuall game clock stops. Arg! This ain't no frickin' PW I say! As Falis Goodmane would say, "Mother of mouthmuck!"
Players might not be happy with a part 3 and with NWN on the downside of the bell curve, I might hurt my chances at a part 3 if no one is around to play it.
The debate continues into 2008 but with v1.69 around the corner, how many will come back and build?
Happy New Year everyone, for those of you stopping by.
Holidays | 12.29.07 |
AME Awards | 11.21.07 |
NWN 2006 Golden Dragon Awards
Today there was a nice surprise waiting over at www.nwvault.com in regards to the AME Awards, the Academy for Modding Excellence for those who do not know, which is a voluntary organisation dedicated to finding and recognising the best community built content for Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2.
Almraiven was selected for the Best Adventure Module and went up against some very well built modules as well:
Prophet - Chapter I - By the Will of Kings and Mortals by Baldecaran
The Fall of Aielund, Part 2 by Savant & BlackDiamond.
I've read nothing but rave reviews of the Aielund Saga and it's on my play list when I'm done with building, so I was shocked that it did not take top spot. I don't know anything about Prophet but will add this to my list of modules to play, obviously an attention grabber due to its nomination.
Then there's the Debut Author Award, which this old grumpy man was also selected for and received, running along side of Andarian (Sanctum of the Archmage 1 and 2) and Proleric (Enigma Island 1 and 2). Anadrian is very well spoken for on the Bioware boards and Almraiven was released around the same month that Sanctum of the Archmage was released. I have yet to see Proleric, unless of course the nick on the forum is different but from the comments made on the module, it's a fine piece of work.
It's a hard nut to crack these days in the module building era of a five year old game that is Neverwinter Nights. Long standing members know the toolset well and do, on a more regular basis than before, churn out excellent and well designed modules. The bar is set higher than those released in 2002, as an example, for players expect more and builders can do more.
With modules like Darkness over Daggerford, the Rose of Eternity saga, HeX coda, Tales of Arterra, the Aielund saga on the minds of many players, it's a nice reminder to those of us coming to the party a little late that we too, are seen as contributors to a great building community.
Thanks to all who have supported Almraiven, played Almraiven and have also guided me during my early building years and to those who have put AME together, kudos.
Tweaks | 11.10.07 |
It's been a good week! The pain I had felt after my wisdom teeth extraction has gone away, although I still have small holes where the stitching is, which I also have to clean with warm water and salt every night. I've finally been able to enjoy more solid foods too. As much as one enjoys jello, ice cream and soup, it gets old fast day after day. My craving for a steak is getting worse and I hope in another two weeks I can cut into one.
There's something called AME that's formed and founded by community member MokahTGS, and their current chairman is B G P Hughes. This group will be handing out awards for such things as best veteran author, best action module to even best RPG module. It's a good way for old and forgotten content to get noticed again.
Today I finished a major side quest I had been putting off and not because I've lost interest but due to the complex nature of designing it. I don't think I'll be doing an open ended module again due to the number of variables and checks that are required. Did the player do this before that or do that, then this before that other thing? Anyhow, I have one last major quest to tie up, which is thankfully, already done on the open ended side, so now it's just more of a linear pace until completion.
A few more conversation options are being added in as well as general fixing of very old issues that I also put off. One such bug, which I just knocked off, was the dinar system that was written for Almraiven. I never expected players to buy items in one store and sell them for more in another, which some did. This caused the player to collect 10,000 or more wealth in dinars.
Well, the dinar system will stop working when one reaches 10,000 in dinars, resetting the amount to 0. There's no way a player can collect so many dinars in Almraiven, even if all the quests are done but buying and selling via all the shops, one obviously can reach this number.
So Shadewood now supports up to 99,999 worth in dinars, which no player should require in a wilderness but one can never know the evil mind of another.
Plugging | 10.28.07 |
I've been plugging and in more ways than one.
Just last Thursday I got my wisdom teeth yanked and it hasn't been very much fun since then. The time off work is nice though but using that time to plug bleeding gaps in my jaw with gauze wasn't what I was aiming for.
Today though the pain is very faint and I was able to eat a KitKat or rather, suck it to death with saliva.
The other plugging has been in Shadewood and I've actually tested it from start to finish with Falis, making notes on what still needs to be tweaked. Annex and Shayla Shay will still require a full run through before I feel comfortable enough to release to beta testers.
In other news, Ossian Studios is about to release a city adventure module for Neverwinter Nights 2. Lots of folks are excited about that, including myself. Having yet to dive into NWN2 and its ability to build, I'll be very curious just how well Westgate is designed as a city, how well it's populated and just how busy it's made to feel. Large empty streets with little to no activity is never a hit with me.
I'm sure Ossian can pull it off, there are enough folks who have the talent and experience from building their own modules, so it'll be one module I'll be keeping an eye on.
[RL] Calgary! | 10.11.07 |
Shadewood Q/A | 10.01.07 |
Well if you can do it, so can I. There are still those who ask me how Shadewood is coming along on the Almraiven module page now and again, so I've taken the time to create this little place to inform those who are eager to play the continuation of Almraiven.
Q: Is Shadewood coming along?
A: Yes, it's still being worked on and it's coming along. There are bugs that are still being ironed out. For anyone who builds, you know the type. Those small annoying bugs that pop-up when you complete another part of the module. Those small bugs that turn into bigger bugs because you never accounted for a particular scenario, which makes fixing them that much more annoying.
Q: Is Shadewood in the beta stage?
A: No, I have not sent it out to anyone to beta test yet. If you're one of those who offered to help, you have not been forgotten.
Q: Must I have played Almraiven to play Shadewood?
A: Yes and you must have completed it and you must have the Almraiven database files in your /database directory for Shadewood to work and run properly. If you've reinstalled Neverwinter Nights or formated your PC without backing up your /database directory, you will need to play Almraiven from start to finish to get all the required information into the Almraiven Bioware Database file.
Q: Why can't I just play Shadewood?
A: Shadewood is not a sequel. It's a continuation of the story in Almraiven, which one must complete to move forward in Shadewood. Certain variables and information are stored in the Almraiven database file that will determine your starting location in Shadewood, who your laboratory assistant is and what other events unfolded in the city.
Q: There is a HAK for Shadewood on the Vault. Should I download it?
A: No. If you have, you will have to download it again when it's updated. I uploaded it thinking I wouldn't be adding anything else to it and that was not the case as Shadewood was being developed.
Q: What can we expect in Shadewood?
A: Shadewood is a darker module, not only in area design but also in the story arc. Members of the Auren Society of Weavers focus on a magical weave they pull from the Land of the Dead to gain their power. Shadewood offers more focus on this aspect of the society than Almraiven did.
The module is also non-linear in design, which is one of many reasons it's taken longer than expected to build. You can explore any region in the module without having to focus and advance the main story arc and complete side-quests as you see fit. Of course, the main story arc is linear and must be for certain events to unfold.
One will also experience a higher volume of battles due to the fact you will now be exploring the wilderness. Some areas include tombs, caves and forgotten places, all dotted within the Forest of Mir, the Spider Swamp and the Marching Mountains.
Shadewood Info | 10.01.07 |
This is the online version of the shadewood.txt file. +----------------------------------------------------+ : Shadewood . 09.04.08 Public Release by PJH : +----------------------------------------------------+ I hope your fingers have itched in the past few months while Shadewood was in development and no doubt, your character from Almraiven has been waiting to continue his or her adventure. This module was created for a single player level Wizard or Sorcerer of any sex that has completed the first module in this series, Almraiven. If you have not played Almraiven, you will not be able to play Shadewood. Shadewood is a continuation of Almraiven and not a stand-alone module, thus you must have completed Almraiven to continue. If you have completed Almraiven but reinstalled Neverwinter Nights and did not backup your Neverwinter Nights\Database directory, you will not be able to play Shadewood. You'll need to replay Almraiven so the information from that module can be saved to the database file. The adventure takes place within the nation of Calimshan on the south-eastern shore in a wood called the Forest of Mir. Shadewood is a full wildreness adventure and is the second and final installment of two modules. Contact information : E-mail : p2k__@hotmail.com Forum : Fester Pot Web : http://aurensociety.blogspot.com Thanks to the following for offering to beta test Shadewood: John, Courtney, Rich, Lennox, Tyler and Gangster No.1. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[0]-- T O C <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ [00] Table of Contents [01] Software Requirements [02] Hardware Requirements [03] About the Module [04] Introduction [05] Currency [06] Reagents [07] Experience [08] Build Suggestions [09] Exploring the Wood [10] Conversations [11] Companions [12] The Database [13] Build Notes +----------------------------------------------------+ --[1]-- SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ Shadwood requires the following : + Neverwinter Nights 1.68 or higher + Shadows of Undrentide + Hordes of the Underdark + Almraiven Hakpak [REQUIRED] (from the first module) - almraivenhak.rar - Install jts.hak to your NWN\hak directory. + Almraiven Music [RECOMMENDED] (from the first module) - almraivenmus.rar - Install all .bmu files to your NWN\music directory. + Shadewood Hakpak [REQUIRED] - shadewhak.rar - Install jtsfom.hak to your NWN\hak directory. + Shadewood TLK [REQUIRED] - shadewtlk.rar - Install dla_treant.tlk to your NWN\tlk directory. + Shadewood Music [RECOMMENDED] - shadewmus.rar - Install all .bmu files to your NWN\music directory. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[2]-- HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ Do not attempt to play this module with an integrated graphic card. This means that the graphic card you have is built into your motherboard. Shadewood uses many placeables and an integrated graphic card may not be able to keep up with the high demand. 1 GIG of memory is suggested. 128MB Graphic Card no older than the 2001 GeForce 4600 TI cards. 200 megs of hard drive space. Shadewood was built with the requirements noted above. If your system is better than that, you'll be fine. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[3]-- ABOUT THE MODULE <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ + Single player. + Wizard or Sorcerer. + No death respawn. + No familiars. + Light to Medium combat. + Estimated 10+ hours of gameplay. + 60+ side quests. + Resting available in designated locations found in and around the wood. + Three henchmen available via quests completed in Almraiven. + Intended for characters that have completed Almraiven. + There are a number of cutscenes during the game that you cannot break out of. + Play this module alone in the dark with the lights down low for best gaming results. + Breaking out of a conversation may create problems. Just go with the options and always complete a conversation properly. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[4]-- I N T R O D U C T I O N <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ "The creak of branches catch your ear as you come to the boundary of Shadewood. Known to many as the Forest of Mir, this wood has grown out of control over the past few months. The trail left behind in Almraiven has brought you here; a foul wood that has been attacking those along the Western Passage, or so the locals of Almraiven have said. Branches reaching a little too far, roots curling upward to entangle the passer-by and spirits have been on the tongues of many. It is here your investigation continues and it is here the journey will come to an end. What started as a simple investigation will end with the Auren Society of Weavers closing the pages of old and opening up a new chapter in the arts of the arcane. Bring your skills Weaver, for you will need them all." +----------------------------------------------------+ --[5]-- C U R R E N C Y <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ The currency in Shadewood are small colored gems of various sizes known as Dinars. Their size, color and shape reflect a specific value. Due to the nature of the wood and what has become of it, Dinars will be of little use to you. Bring them along just incase, for you never know. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[6]-- R E A G E N T S <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ Reagents are very important in Shadewood as they are required to mix and brew potions that will assist you during the adventure. Some spells will also require reagents so the weave can be complete and the energy of that weave released. Failure to have a reagent for a particular spell will mean the spell simply will not be cast. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[7]-- E X P E R I E N C E <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ You will receive experience during your adventure. Particular points of interest that will earn you experience : Combat Avoiding Combat Using a Skill Brewing a Potion Learning Something New Receiving a Side Quest Advancing the Investigation Completing a Task Solving a Puzzle Surviving a Dangerous Task Saving Someone Reading a Book/Studying Creating a Weave Gaining Knowledge Do take the time to explore the wilderness. By doing so, you will find side quests that can help you gain more experience. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[8]-- B U I L D S U G G E S T I O N S <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ Shadewood can offer many experience advancements and quickly too depending on how many side quests one decides to explore. I highly suggest to go the route of a Pale Master if and when you reach enough experience for fourth level. This particular prestige class can offer a closer representation of what the Auren Society becomes in the Land of the Dead. This is purely a role-playing suggestion but can also advance the story if the Auren Society of Weavers happen to be explored in Neverwinter Nights 2. Being a Pale Master will also offer options that lean more toward the dead and since the Auren pull their power from the Land of the Dead, it's a perfect fit. Shadewood is also a lot darker than what one would have experienced in Almraiven, thus a Pale Master makes a good choice. Of course, you may continue to go up in levels as a pure Wizard or Sorcerer if you so desire. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[9]-- E X P L O R I N G T H E W O O D <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ Shadewood is all about exploring. A wilderness is nothing like what you would have experienced in Almraiven and due to this, you won't come across helpful people to guide you or point you in the right direction. Resting is limited and this is made very clear once you leave the protection of particular locations that are otherwise safe havens. Exploring will not only help you come across side quests but will also assist you in finding reagents required for spell casting as well as potion brewing. Since this module is a focus on a wilderness adventure, finding a laboratory will be difficult. Of course, once one finds such a laboratory, the pieces will begin to fall into place. I must stress, if you want to concentrate on the main plot, what you'll need to do can all be found within the Forest of Mir. Leaving the wood while you're exploring will take you elsewhere and events in which you find yourself in will not follow the main plot nor will those you happen to come across care, although some may. Although the main plot is linear in nature, you will be free to explore the entire region as you wish, as fast or as slow as you wish. Some side quests will require that you complete another side quest before you're able to continue. This is also the case with the main plot. I've taken many of the comments from Almraiven and made Shadewood much more open ended. Due to this, the module might become vast for some, as well as confusing. If you find yourself lost, return to the wood and start chipping away at the journals you've received for that particular area. This will allow you to focus on the main plot and also give you some general direction. The journal is your friend and is used as often as it can, even for some basic quests. Explore everything. I can't stress that enough and take your time doing it too. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[10]-- C O N V E R S A T I O N S <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ Kind of conversations : ----------------------- Descriptive - These will pop-up to give you more detail of the area you have entered or a description for something that is only a few feet away. If you have brought along a companion from Almraiven, they may inject a comment or two along the way. Always complete these conversations properly. Companion - As you venture forward in your investigation, find quests and new places to explore, your companion will converse with you. Always complete these conversations properly. Non-Player Characters - These are your typical conversations that will allow you to dig for information and learn a little bit more about your surroundings. Conversation options : ----------------------- These will vary depending on the situation and those you are speaking with. Skills - Skill checks are offered and made against your character based on the choices you make or questions you ask. Skill use are Bluff, Intimidate, Lore and Persuade. Even if you have 0 in the three cross-class skills, there's still a chance to gain information by other methods. Offering Dinars - When a skill check fails or there is no other option remaining, offering a certain amount of dinars can change the course of the conversation. The higher amount you offer, the better. Weaving Spells - Spells in conversations continue in Shadewood and have been expanded in an attempt to offer more conversation variety as well as make use of spells that don't make the popularity list. The following spells are used a lot in conversations: Harmful: Acid Splash, Electric Jolt, Ray of Frost PASS : NPCs will fear the power you're able to wield FAIL : Dinars or skill check or attack or nothing Horror : Fear, Scare PASS : NPCs will see things and quickly spill the beans FAIL : Dinars or skill check or attack or nothing Rigid : Ghoul Touch, Hold Person PASS : NPCs will only be able to move their eyes and lips FAIL : Dinars or skill check or attack or nothing Friend : Charm Person, Tasha's Hideous Laughter PASS : NPCs treat you like a close and trusted friend FAIL : Dinars or skill check or attack or nothing +----------------------------------------------------+ --[11]-- C O M P A N I O N S <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ Shadewood can be a lonely place, so having a companion from Almraiven will certainly spruce things up. Annex [Druid Female (Grower)] ![]() Annex is a result from completing the Darwien's Disappearance quest in Almraiven. You saved Darwien but also had to kill Falis for not saving his sister Wundra. Annex is a good companion to have in Shadewood because it takes place in the wilderness. She's also a Druid that comes with an animal companion named Patterfoot and is the most difficult of the three companions to attain. Falis Goodmane [Fighter Male, (Dancer)] ![]() Falis is a result from completing Wundra's Wonder quest in Almraiven. You helped find his sister and saved her from the Werefolk who had her locked up in the sewers. Falis specializes in the quarterstaff and is very quick on his feet but does not have any experience in adventure travel. He also has a problem with bugs and his long golden locks always come first before anything else. Shayla Shay [Sorcerer Female, (Guardian)] ![]() Shayla is a result from completing the Something in the Works quest in Almraiven. You helped find her sister and save her from the slave traders who had her locked up and ready to be shipped out. Shayla also experienced fighting Blackend Souls and knows first hand what the Darkness did in the depths below Almraiven. Her knowledge of this will continue in Shadewood as the two of you move to unlock the mystery. Shayla comes with an intelligent staff named Nala that she is bound to by magical means. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[12]-- T H E D A T A B A S E <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ Shadewood will use a campaign database in your NWN\Database directory that was created during your adventure in Almraiven. These files should not be tampered with or deleted and if they have, you will be unable to play Shadewood. When you've completed the module, your character will be exported and particular events you encountered during the adventure will be stored. If it's possible to pass this information to Neverwinter Nights 2, other modules surrounding the Auren Society of Weavers may surface in the future. +----------------------------------------------------+ --[13]-- B U I L D N O T E S <---- : +----------------------------------------------------+ ++ SPOILERS REMOVED ++ ! = Fixed. + = Added. x = Removed. * = Completed. # = Latest NWN Patch. @ = Unavailable. ? = Bad bug / no fix yet. |
Shadewood Pics | 10.01.07 |
Here are the first batch of screenshots that have been released to the Vault. "Road raids and the odd creature once roamed the Western Passage but now that the wood has taken over, folks and creatures alike simply avoid it." "Shadewood does have its secrets, many of which are long and forgotten." "Sun does not shine so freely within the wood. Wild and overgrown in many parts, the soft glow of mushrooms guide those who venture too deep." "The evil of the wood is not kind to those who walk in the Land of the Living. Once a thriving local village, this place is now home to those who roam the Land of the Dead." Here are the second batch of screenshots that have been released to the Vault. "As a member of the Auren Society of Weavers, your connection with the Land of the Dead is strong. One with your abilities can see past reflections of spirits left behind. Some of those spirits may even return to the Land of the Living to answer your call." "There are places within Shadewood that one should never venture to. Creatures roaming magical havens, wild magic and elvish mysteries wrap around the tongues of drunken men and women who share such whispers with others." "Of course, the Forest of Mir is not the only place one may find themselves. Those who wander could very well end up lost within the murky depths of the Spider Swamp." "The lucky few may just stumble forward and find dry land to rest on but is a slave port in the depths of the Spider Swamp any safer? Safe enough for an Auren at least." Here are the third batch of screenshots that have been released to the Vault. "The northern reaches of the wood that rest against the roots of the Marching Mountains rarely allow the heat of the sun to melt its white blanket of snow." "Even during high noon the wood remains stubborn with its icy grip." "Ancient trees and forgotten places stand frozen in time." "But there is a place, high above, were the weave of magic pulsates." "Although such a view may look pristine to a regular observer, it is those who weave in the Arts of the Arcane that come to feel its true nature." "The corrupted mythal of Myth Unnohyr acts as a wild-magic zone by day and a dead-magic zone at night. You've been warned, Auren. Stay away." |
Almraiven Guide | 9.26.07 |
Although you can download the walkthrough guide from here, I've taken the time to put the entire walkthrough online for easy viewing. +----------------------------------------------------+ SIDE QUESTS +----------------------------------------------------+ [o1] Learning the City [o2] Amalin's Gazebo Woes [o3] A Trap to Spring [o4] Alchemy Investigation [o5] Amulet of Reptiles [o6] An Evening Ambush [o7] Arra's Haunted Home [08] Assassination Attempt [o9] Ax Jester's Goods [1o] Basement Trip [11] Bookworm : Gimyr's Blood [12] Bookworm : The Cloak of Almraiven [13] Bookworm : The Elven Language [14] Bumps in the Night [15] Chamber of Thought [16] Childhood Memories [17] Darwien's Disappearance [18] Demons of an Old Man [19] Elusive Eldowen [2o] Firiem's Prison [21] Hidden Stash [22] Irena's Investigation [23] Jax's Invitation [24] Laboratory Assistant [25] Lair of the Two Sisters [26] Lamu's Escort [27] Lost Family [28] Luanu's Death [29] Marlo's Gift [3o] Midnight Alley Ghost [31] My Assistant Charles [32] My Contact [33] Mysterious Room [34] Orange Stripe [35] Personal Belongings [36] Picture Perfect [37] Rotten Rilley [38] Snake Bite [39] Something in the Works [4o] Springwine Jones Estate [41] Stolen Swordfish [42] Street-side Investigation [43] Suldolphor Refugee [44] The Cuttback Murders [45] The Tale of Ruby Red [46] Tin [47] Validation Request [48] Wenuth's Message [49] Wood Delivery [50] Wundra's Wonder +-----------------------------------------------------+ Learning the City +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Moving through Almraiven is done by learning where you can find particular city streets, which is done through talking to NPCs, advancing the main plot or receiving side-quests. Exploring Almraiven is not open-ended as one would want it to be. By this, you cannot click on a street sign and go anywhere you want in the city, you'll have to learn of that street first. Loom Avenue You start the game here and will always be able to return. This street is where your home base is and you'll be returning here often during the course of your investigation. It's a good idea to take the local tour by Purdee, your close neighbour, as he will show you and get you familiar with your neighbourhood and those who call it home. Things to do: The Villa The Villa is a popular location for those coming through Almraiven due to the fact one can find a Runner's Shop here, a central network of sending messages back and forth to other folks scattered in and around the city. Things to do: How to get here: Horseshoe Lane Horseshoe Lane isn't the cleanest part of Almraiven but it's also not the worst part either. Designed as an 'H', Horseshoe Lane will offer you places to shop, abandoned homes to explore and a tavern to get roudy at. Things to do: How to get here: Runner's End is a nice little cul de sac which was named by the street-side that would chase folks here to rob them. There's only one way in and one way out but it does offer the visitor a thing or two to do. Things to do: How to get here: Mandrake Route isn't the best place to live due to the growing number of Stinkers, otherwise known as Werefolk, that seem to frequent this part of Almraiven. A Stinker is known by their smell and you'll know when you're speaking with one if you get too close. Things to do: How to get here: Gypsy Roseway Gypsy Roseway is a place to avoid during the night as it is a haven for members of thief guilds and other dirty scum that hang out in the alley that connects one street with another. Things to do: How to get here: Caravan Run Caravan Run happens to be a very busy portion of Almraiven due to the high volume of merchants and street-side that frequent the street. A shop or two can also be found here. Things to do: How to get here: Benhi's Express A very rich and clean part of Almraiven is what you'll experience when you first arrive in Benhi's Express. It is where the headquarters for the Evelyn Society of Thinkers is located and thus, magic is everywhere! Things to do: How to get here: Just wearing the wrong cloth and stitch can bring down a load of trouble when you first visit Cuttback Kat Alley. It didn't get its name from being a friendly place, so be prepared. Things to do: How to get here: Kingscourt is nestled in a high class ward and one quickly notices this when guard patrols walk on by. It's a street where many wealthy merchants and nobles live. Things to do: How to get here: Nestled in the Dock Ward is Rosetyl Street, which is known for its very popular evening joint, the Twilight Tavern. It also is home to a shop or two. Things to do: How to get here: Also found in the Dock Ward, The Strip is known for its bustle of goods that get shipped in and out of Almraiven. Sailors enjoy calling this particular portion of the city home. Things to do: How to get here: A series of dotted islands that rest between the Shining Sea and Almraiven. Many ships have sunk from running into the many jagged rocks found here. Things to do: How to get here: Located on the south-eastern portion of Almraiven, the Harbor Gate is where many ships come and go, loading and unloading their cargo. Things to do: How to get here: Located on the west side of Almraiven, the West Gate is used by those coming along the Western Passage, such as merchants and traders. Things to do: How to get here: +-----------------------------------------------------+ Amalin's Gazebo Woes +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Kingscourt NPC : Amalin A friendly half-elf by the name of Amalin is in need of some help getting a few resources together to complete a gazebo he is building in his backyard. The sister to his wife is coming all the way from Evereska and he'd like to have it finished before she arrives. You can find Amalin by his home between 11am to 5pm. - A pack of nails and a hammer * Woods and Goods on Mandrake Route - A shovel * Street merchant on The Villa - DAY ONLY! In return he'll give you Amalin's Cloak of Lurking. +-----------------------------------------------------+ A Trap to Spring +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Rosetyl Street NPC : Carft This side-quest is nothing more than a warning to the player about future attacks made on the player by the Efreetum Society of Summoners. This little warning is given by a street-side on Rosetyl Street, for the right price and if the player is wearing their Auren Society robe. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Alchemy Investigation +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Caravan Run NPC : N/A You will receive this side-quest after you've spoken with Rune and Jenna. It requires you to brew a Tracer Potion and as well as a Substance Lifter Potion. To brew a Substance Lifter potion, you will need : - Empty Potion Bottle (!) * Bought on the flying Imp on Caravan Run. * Bought at Veiled Crystal on The Strip. - Bonding Agent (!) * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Spider Silk (!) * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Palm Sap (!) * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. (!) These ingredients are also in your wooden barrel within your laboratory, that is if you didn't make a Brewed Potion of Cure Light Wounds first. To brew a Tracer potion, you will need : - Empty Potion Bottle * Bought on the flying Imp on Caravan Run. * Bought at Veiled Crystal on The Strip. - Bonding Agent * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Bone Dust * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Essence Tear * Given to you by your laboratory assistant. (!) (!) You must summon your laboratory assistant before you can brew this potion. ** Completing this will open up the Almraiven : Street-side Investigation side-quest. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Amulet of Reptiles +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Springwine Jones Estate NPC : N/A You've gotten your hands on the Amulet of Reptiles and you now have to receive your message from the Second Sister via the Runner's Shop. 6353 is the passcode. You will then be told to deliver the Amulet of Reptiles to Horgar, located on Rosetyl Street in the Twilight Tavern. The Twilight Tavern is only open at night and that's when Horgar will be waiting. Give him the Amulet of Reptiles to complete this quest. +-----------------------------------------------------+ An Evening Ambush +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Horseshoe Lane NPC : N/A This will happen if you've been walking around Almraiven telling folks who you really are. Eventually, when you've told enough folks, you will be ambushed the next time you exit the Everburning Log in the evening. A young boy will run up to you, tell you his father has been stabbed and ask you to follow him. It is this moment the sequence will fire and you'll be ambushed by two members of the Hastelet guild. You can attack them, fool them via Charm Person or Scare or even run into the Abandoned Home at the end of the alley. If you've been in the home before, you know what to expect. If not, avoid going into the attic or else the two members of the Hastelet Guild and the Attic Spider will be on you! If you want to escape with the highest reward, don't fight them. If you have your staff/bracers and your ring equipped, no matter what you say or are wearing, they'll know you're an Auren as you fit the description. If you cast Charm or Scare and they fail their roll, you'll receive experience for not fighting them as well as dinars as they feel bad for the mistaken identity. Inside the home, if you hide behind the crates on the first floor and IT WAS NOT RAINING outside, you can watch them slip by as they go upstairs. If it was raining outside, they'll notice your wet footprints on the floor and attack you with your back against the wall. If you go upstairs, running into the first room with the window will allow you to jump out of the window and back down into the alley. Escaping and completing this quest is done by running out of the alley toward the sign post. You'll receive a good amount of experience for escaping from the ambush and avoiding battle. You can also complete this quest by killing the two members of the Hastelet Guild or using Charm/Scare spell during your first chance to converse with them. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Arra's Haunted Home +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Mandrake Route NPC : Arra This side-quest is introduced by Arra on Mandrake Route and she's only available from 11am to 5pm right between Woods and Goods and Luanu's Home. Offering to help her solve her ghostly problems will give you this side-quest. Arra can be found in the Spitting Camel by the grandfather clock if you accept this quest. Her home should only be entered at night, that's when the ghosts appear. You want to wait inside the house for the events to happen. The first event is furniture appearing by the door, then the living room, then the bedroom, then the dining room and finally the kitchen. When the furniture appears in the bedroom, the first ghost will attack. When the furniture appears in the dining room, the second and most difficult ghost will attack. When the furniture appears in the kitchen, the third ghost will attack. Once the attacks begin, the ghosts lock the door to the house. After all three ghosts have been killed, the basement door will unlock and open. Down you go! Rest, replenish your spells if you must, then try the basement door at the far end of the cellar. Banging will resume, the door to the first floor will slam shut and eventually, Zombies will burst through the old wooden door by the wall. Kill them both. Rest, replenish your spells. Go through the door they came from and enter an underground tomb. Here people are buried but one crazy Skeletal Wizard now haunts the graves. He has the ability to toss Fireballs, so use the walls as protection. Kill the skeletal mage, grab what you want and return to speak with Arra. Once you've spoken with Arra at the Spitting Camel about her home being cleared, the quest is over. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Assassination Attempt +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Caravan Run NPC : Ulip You must have spoken with Ulip back on Mandrake Route before this quest can be given to you. Ulip appears on Mandrake Route between 11am to 5pm. Then he'll reappear on Caravan Run between 11am to 5pm in the far north-east corner of The Run. He's hiding behind some crates and the pillar with ivy all over it. Speak with him. He'll want you to find an assassin that has been sent to kill him, an assassin sent by Rotten Rilley himself! Offer to help. You'll want to go and stand by the sign-post and wait. Your journal will update as the assassin walks by and vanishes again as he looks for Ulip. You must spot him THREE TIMES before you're able to return to tell Ulip what he looks like and what he's wearing. On the THIRD VIEW, you can also speak with the assassin. Coax him into meeting you by the water's edge and you can tell him where Ulip is instead. If you save Ulip, he gives you some dinars and thanks, slipping away in the street. If you help the assassin, he heads up to kill Ulip, takes his ear and leaves you whatever Ulip had on him. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Ax Jester's Goods +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Horseshoe Lane NPC : Ax Jester Meet Ax Jester from 11am to 5pm on Horseshoe Lane and he'll offer you a chance to see his goods in the evening. He'll tell you what door on the second floor of the Everburning Log to knock on. Due note, he will not offer you this if you're wearing street-side cloth and stitch. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Basement Trip +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Springwine Jones Estate NPC : Raf If you don't sneak through Springwine Jones Estate via Invisibility and using Knock spells, then you'll probably receive this side-quest to help Raf get some Orcish ale and Orcish wine. You'll need either a Knock spell for the basement door or the Servant's Key from the Servant's Chamber to get down into the cellar. Finding the meat in one of the cold rooms located in the Estate will help you avoid battle from the guard dog in the cellar and also give you experience for avoiding battle. You can also sneak past the guard dog using invisibility. If you don't have the meat, the guard dog will attack you. It's a tough fight if you're not prepared. Return to speak with Raf and hand over the Orcish wine, ale or both to complete this quest. Wait around for Raf to get drunk too... +-----------------------------------------------------+ Bookworm : Gimyr's Blood +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Fisherman's Grill NPC : Gimyr When Gimyr is telling you his story about what happened to Bejala, there's a chance you'll notice he starts to bite his lip (Spot check). You can read about this and learn Gimyr is a Berserker Dwarf and have the chance to question him about it when you receive the Mysterious Room side-quest from him later on in the adventure. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Bookworm : The Cloak of Almraiven +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Home NPC : Bakadah Bakadah will tell you about a book he left behind for you to read. Reading it will allow you to read a little more into the city and surrounding area. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Bookworm : The Elven Language +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Benhi's Express NPC : Vorbin If you cannot understand Elvish when you speak with Vorbin (located on Benhi's Express), you will receive this little Bookworm side-quest. Simply return to your library and look up the Elven Language, read the book and return to speak with Vorbin. You'll be able to understand him now. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Bumps in the Night +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location: Caravan Run NPC : Rui This side-quest will be triggered when you speak with Rui, located on Caravan Run. His hand and arm were gone one morning he woke and he hasn't seen it since. The arm in question has been deformed into a Creepy Creep creature that will begin to infest itself in your home. At first it will start to leave droppings in your home, followed by strange sounds. Near the end of the adventure it will reveal itself. Kill it to complete the side-quest. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Chamber of Thought +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Benhi's Express NPC : Blasted Magical Painting You'll eventually have to gain entry to the Evelyn Society of Thinkers residence and to do so, buy an amulet from Walvis who can be found inside of the Weeping Willow. He'll offer you an amulet for 50 dinars. Put the necklace on and speak with the Magical Painting again, then to Sogo, the other painting. You'll be transported to your chamber. Speak with everyone on the floor, learn what you can about the lockdown and the death of Irena, even a little bit more about Bejala. You'll want to learn about your message orb being able to teleport you to various locations in the Chamber of Thought. Once you've gathered enough information, you'll be reminded in your journal to use the library located on your floor. Do so, find the book Voolahoo's Orbanics, read it and learn how to use the message orb. You want to learn as many names as possible, all done by those you're stuck with on your floor. Visit Irena's Chamber first, examine the blood at the base of the bed. You'll now need to get out of the Chamber of Thought to brew some potions. Use the message orb to speak with JinkJum, the Owl of the Tower. He knows a name of a message orb located in Memnon's Fingers. He'll give it to you if you bring back some mice for him to eat. He'll give you another name where you'll go into the cellar, fight a few rats, loot the limited treasure room and return to speak with JinkJum. Once you give him the meat, he gives you the name. In Memnon's Fingers, buy what you need for your Substance Lifter and Tracer potions, return to Irena's Chamber and learn everything you can about what REALLY happened to her. Once you do this, this quest will be complete. To brew a Substance Lifter potion, you will need : - Empty Potion Bottle * Bought on the flying Imp on Caravan Run. * Bought at Veiled Crystal on The Strip. - Bonding Agent * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Spider Silk * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Palm Sap * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. To brew a Tracer potion, you will need : - Empty Potion Bottle * Bought on the flying Imp on Caravan Run. * Bought at Veiled Crystal on The Strip. - Bonding Agent * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Bone Dust * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Essence Tear * Given to you by your laboratory assistant. (!) (!) You must summon your laboratory assistant before you can brew this potion. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Childhood Memories +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : The Villa NPC : Rilari Whatever you do, if you're an Elf, don't insult the dwarf, otherwise you will not receive this quest. The dwarf will return the respect to you if you give it to him. Rilari is looking for three items stolen from her home on Loom Avenue. They are a pair of earrings, a hand mirror from when she was a little girl and a clock. - Earrings * Mandrake Route, Halfling Male - NIGHT ONLY! - Clock * Runner's End, Gnome street merchant - DAY ONLY! - Mirror * Caravan Run, Human street merchant - DAY/NIGHT! Return all three to complete the side-quest and receive your reward. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Darwien's Disappearance +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : The Villa NPC : Annex [COMPANION, Druid Female] Find Annex between 11am to 5pm. Easy side-quest to get, most difficult to complete. CAN ONLY GET IF: Player has not saved Wundra yet via Wundra's Wonder side-quest. Darwien's completion hangs on the very balance, just like Annex does, the one you can receive this quest from. Accept this quest from Annex to find Darwien. In The Villa you have to speak with a street-side named Kara (DAY ONLY) and the owner of Herbalore to move the quest forward. Once you've spoken to both, speak to the parrot outside of Herbalore. It'll want some bird seed. Buy the bird seed at Caravan Run on the street merchant, then speak with the parrot again. You'll learn that Dar was taken to Mandrake Route. Go there between 11am and 5pm to speak with Jaer. Question her on the little girl and learn Dar was taken toward the sewer grate near Luanu's Home. Find her shoes and clothes to update the quest. NOTE: This side-quest continues on Wundra's Wonder side-quest when you enter the sewers. When you find Darwien, to complete this side-quest, heal her. Meet with Annex and return Dar. She'll thank you and offer to assist you if you leave Almraiven. Her contact number is 7733. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Demons of an Old Man +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Horseshoe Lane NPC : Old Man This old guy is having his mind taken over by the spirits that have surfaced from your arrival in the city. They can feel your weave and know you can help. Four spirits were murdered and three of those four have taken over the mind of this old man. You'll need to gather some information before you can meet up with these spirits, so prepare to do some investigation work here. Two street-side on Horseshoe Lane can advance this side-quest. Speak with Vadora and Fezan and learn about Sila. Then speak with the owner of the Everburning Log to hear what he has to say and update this quest. Once you've spoken to all three, you want to now speak with Sila. Sila is located on Caravan Run but only during the day. Speak with her and you'll learn the tale of the house being engulfed in flames and a possible way down into the basement. Visit the Everburning Log and explore the pantry for the secret door leading down below. This is where the three spirits will be found but only one will be seen carrying a lantern. You will have to brew a Channeling Potion [CP] to speak with the spirit as well as see the rest down in the basement. To brew a Channeling potion, you will need : - Empty Potion Bottle * Bought on the flying Imp on Caravan Run. * Bought at Veiled Crystal on The Strip. - Bonding Agent * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Ear of a Bat * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Well of Souls Water * Given to you by your laboratory assistant. (!) (!) You must summon your laboratory assistant before you can brew this potion. You also must be Level 2 Wizard or Level 2 Sorcerer to use this potion. On your return, speak to each three, learn how they died and the item they require to be put to rest. To learn where those items are, speak once again to Sila. Head to The Villa and explore Spectral's Call upper floor for the Urn that has the items Sila put away. Return each one to put the spirits to rest. Speak with the Old Man to complete this side-quest. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Elusive Eldowen +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Benhi's Express NPC : Vorbin You'll find Vorbin on Benhi's Express sitting around looking for his wife Eldowen. If you are an Elf or Half-Elf, you'll be able to understand his language and offer to help him. If you cannot understand Elvish, you'll be given the Bookworm : The Elven Language side-quest. Once you learn the language, return to speak with him. Offering to help Vorbin find his wife will issue this side-quest to you. She'll be found near the end of your adventure on Rosetyl Street in the Twilight Tavern during the evening. You'll want to speak with her and then let Vorbin know where she is. Return to the Twilight Tavern to speak with Vorbin, who should now be at the table with his wife. If you return to Benhi's Express at night to find Vorbin, he'll be found in the Weeping Willow. You'll receive your reward and compelte the quest. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Firiem's Prison +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Fisherman's Grill NPC : Firiem Poor Firiem is locked away in a cage inside of Fisherman's Grill. Release him or help the owner keep him locked up? Speak with Firiem, then with the owner of the bar, then return to speak Firiem again. Listen to his tale if you wish but if you want to complete this quest, you'll want to help him, or not. Examine the Fading Weave to learn the spells needed to be cast on the Fading Weave. Depending on what spells you cast you'll either reinforce the bind or break it. To keep Firiem locked in his cage, cast the following spells in this order. Mage Armor Bull's Strength Continual Flame Firiem won't be very happy but your reward this time around is with another. Speak with the owner to complete the quest. To release Firiem from his cage, cast the following spells in this order. Negative Energy Ray Ray of Enfeeblement Dispel Magic * * Only available on Benhi's Express in Caster's Claim. Once the bind is removed, Firiem will reward you and the quest will be complete. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Hidden Stash +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Horseshoe Lane NPC : Parrot Speak with the parrot to get the little rhyme of where some hidden dinars can be found. He's located right across from the Everburning Log. Head to Runner's End, find the big fountain and go down into the alley. Walk until you find the chest. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Irena's Investigation +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Chamber of Thought NPC : N/A You will get this side-quest when you're on the Chamber of Thought side-quest and it will appear once you examine the blood by Irena's bed. You'll have to brew a Substance Lifter and Tracer Potion to complete this side-quest (and it also goes in completing the Chamber of Thought side-quest). To brew a Substance Lifter potion, you will need : - Empty Potion Bottle * Bought on the flying Imp on Caravan Run. * Bought at Veiled Crystal on The Strip. - Bonding Agent * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Spider Silk * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Palm Sap * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. To brew a Tracer potion, you will need : - Empty Potion Bottle * Bought on the flying Imp on Caravan Run. * Bought at Veiled Crystal on The Strip. - Bonding Agent * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Bone Dust * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Essence Tear * Given to you by your laboratory assistant. (!) (!) You must summon your laboratory assistant before you can brew this potion. Return and use both potions to complete this quest. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Jax's Invitation +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Runner's End - DAY Location : Spitting Camel - NIGHT NPC : Jax Jax on Runner's End has no relation to Jax on Loom Avenue. Totally two different Halflings that are identical only by name. Speak with Jax on Runner's End between 11am to 5pm and he'll invite you to meet up with him at the Spitting Camel in the evening. Meet him in the evening at the Spitting Camel and he'll offer you a little job. He's been tracking someone in the city and has come to learn they're staying at the inn on Runner's End. He's too busy watching the common room to do the job on his own and he'll offer you a cut, 50-50 if you help him out. Accept and he'll ask you to pick up something from one of his contacts. This person is just outside in the evening on Runner's End, in a dead-end alley washing her clothes. (Right across from The Piked Boar). Give her the secret phrase to attain the Suldolphor Robe. Return to Jax. Now you can just hand over the robe and get your dinars and the quest will end. Or, you can put on the robe as per his request, head upstairs and knock on Room 88. The door will not open from the one inside, so you'll either have to bash it down via a conversation option (9+ strength), cast Knock on the door or use a spell/potion to boost your strength to get inside. Once inside the one inside has fled out the window but you'll also pick up a slice of a robe, which you can now use to make a Brewed Tracking Potion, more on that later. Return to speak with Jax downstairs (he will only speak with you about this quest inside of the Spitting Camel and not outside on the street). He won't be very happy and he drops everything to work on other clients. He'll offer you the robe and some dinars for your time, completing the quest. When you exit the Spitting Camel at this point, you'll receive the Suldolphor Refugee side-quest, which is now a full blown continuation of this quest. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Laboratory Assistant +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Home NPC : N/A You'll need to do this eventually if you want to make full use of your laboratory as well as advance the story. You will gain information from Luanu by asking about where to find a corpse for your laboratory assistant. She'll direct you to Flaux at the Everburning Log and do know, he's only there AT NIGHT! You also must be wearing your Auren Society ring when you speak with him so he knows who you are. Follow him into the room so he can speak with you. Close the door or not, it's up to you. Sit down or not, it's up to you. BLOOD RUNNER Pay 25 dinars for this quest. The Blood Runner can only be done in the evening as you'll have to take care of the crew during the day and you want to use stealth, right? Inside of the Blood Runner are four salt water troughs that must be filled with salt water from the barrel in the kitchen. Use the empty bucket to fill up the water and pour it into each water trough to unlock the door to the captain's cabin. Inside of the cabin, examine the stuffed parrot and see where its eyes are pointing. Search that area to find the secret trap door. Go down. This is the real cabin of the captain. Search it and get the key to the storage deck. Head down into the storage deck and find the coffin that has the body you can use as your laboratory assistant. Once you have this, return to your laboratory and summon your assistant from the Land of the Dead. Quest complete. SPECTRAL'S CALL Difficult and puzzle heavy but a little more rewarding compared to the Blood Runner (although the Blood Runner does have its own rewards). You have to press eight runes scattered in Spectral's Call while doing your best to avoid getting spotted three times by one of the guards. The order that you must press the runes is listed right at the entrance inside of Spectral's Call. Have your compass facing north and read the runes left to right, top to bottom for the proper order. 1234 5678 You'll get some extra experience if you pass a Lore check when you walk over the runes. Make sure you do not let the guards see you open the stone door leading down below and CLOSE it after you go through. If they spot you, you'll have to kill them all before you can venture down. Down below in the depths the puzzle continues, this time with either red pillars and blue pillars, all controlled by twelve runes on the floor. The runes must be walked over carefully and in the proper order. If the order is correct as you step on the runes, pillars of either red or blue light will appear. You can only open one door, not both, so pick either to step on the runes that make the pillars red or the runes that make the pillars blue. Pressing either a BLUE or RED rune in the incorrect order will reset the puzzle. You can step on BLUE and RED at the same time, just as long as you remember to step on them in the proper order. [FACING COMPASS NORTH] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 BLUE ORDER 8, 2, 11, 4, 6, 10 Order is displayed right of the top North-Western locked door. Passed Lore Check will mention a little hint. RED ORDER Order is displayed to the RIGHT of the twelve master runes, separated by stone coffins. Passed Lore Check will mention a little hint. 1, 9, 5, 12, 3, 7 BLUE TOMB Blue tomb has a clock puzzle. You must activate the two runes on the floor to activate the clock hands. The combination is written on the coffin, so examine it for the description. Turn the clock hand to the first number using the rune that turns them clockwise. Use the other rune to turn the clock hand counter clockwise until you reach the second number in the combination. Finish it off by using the rune that turns the hand clockwise to unlock the coffin. The combination is: 724 RED TOMB Red tomb has a rope and design puzzle. You must pull each rope and make sure the second arrows match the first display of arrows. Doing this will unlock the coffin. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Lair of the Two Sisters +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Cuttback Kat Alley NPC : N/A Head to Cuttback Kat Alley once you learn that there is a Medusa in the city. It is the second sister that you will have to meet up with. Pay your way to try the maze. Wear the Evelyn Society robe to get in free. Head down and try the maze. Reloading experience will be set at 100 experience. For every time you are killed below and have to reload, your experience goes down by 10. The minimum reload reward you can receive is 50. The maze is random, even where the Medusa appears, so you might get lucky and get all 100 reload experience or become unlucky and only receive 50. Also, the key you need to find is random, so when you reload again, it will be on a different stone statue. Meet up with the second sister as best you can, offer to help her (not much choice, you're surrounded by poisonous snakes and magic doesn't work). This will complete the side-quest and open up Kingscourt as well as give you the Springwine Jones Estate side-quest. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Lamu's Escort +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : The Strip NPC : Lamu Meet Lamu between 11am to 5pm on The Strip and offer to help her find her way to the Spitting Camel located on Runner's End. If you offer to help her, you can take her to the inn and receive some thanks, even a few dinars or lead her to an alley. If you lead her to an alley, you will have the opportunity to rob her of her gear. Either choice will complete this side-quest. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Lost Family +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Caravan Run NPC : Anta Between 11am to 5pm on Caravan run you can meet a lost family. Speak with Anta and offer to help her, mother and father find an inn. If you've learned of any locations of an inn, you can give them those directions. They'll then be found there the next time around. You can also give them incorrect directions, which will land them on Kingscourt sometime later in your adventure. You'll be able to learn what happened to them there. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Luanu's Death +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Luanu's Home, Mandrake Route NPC : Luanu Luanu will be found dead in her home if you went around telling folks in taverns, inns and the streets who you really are. Once a particular background AC variable has reached 20+, Luanu will be killed for associating herself with you, a member of the Auren Society. This side-quest is completed when you meet the weaver that killed Luanu. He will be waiting outside of your home on Loom Avenue to engage you in a magical battle. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Marlo's Gift +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Loom Avenue, The Golden Goblet NPC : Marlo the Bartender Speaking with Marlo about work can get you this particular side-quest. It's a very simple fetch job, keeping you on Loom Avenue. Marlo will ask that you return with a gift for his wife that can be picked up over at Gypsy's Goods. He'll give you a letter, which you show to the owner of the shop. In return, she'll give you the carved figurine Marlo is going to give to his wife. You can sell it if you want but you'll receive more dinars and experience if you deliver it to Marlo. You'll also have the chance to up the amount of dinars you receive from the job via conversation options on your return. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Midnight Alley Ghost +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : The Strip, dead-end alley at midnight NPC : Floating Spirit This particular side-quest can only be attained after midnight on The Strip where a ghost haunts one of the dead-end alleys, right near the Animal Cage. To speak with this particular spirit, you'll need to brew a Channeling Potion [CP]. To brew a Channeling potion, you will need : - Empty Potion Bottle * Bought on the flying Imp on Caravan Run. * Bought at Veiled Crystal on The Strip. - Bonding Agent * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Ear of a Bat * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Well of Souls Water * Given to you by your laboratory assistant. (!) (!) You must summon your laboratory assistant before you can brew this potion. You also must be Level 2 Wizard or Level 2 Sorcerer to use this potion. The spirit in question has been haunting the alley since your arrival to Almraiven as the weave of the Auren society has pulled the spirit back to the Land of the Living. Speak with the spirit and learn what you can about The Darkness, her society and others that was killed by the entity. Her release will come when she's done sharing what she knows with you. +-----------------------------------------------------+ My Assistant Charles +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : High Tower NPC : Bakadah Bakadah will give this side-quest to you and it must be completed before you can leave the High Tower. Simply speaking with Charles, your laboratory assistant and releasing him, will complete this side-quest. +-----------------------------------------------------+ My Contact +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : High Tower NPC : Bakadah You'll receive this at the start of your adventure and your goal is to find the Runner's Shop, receive your message and meet up with Luanu. Upon doing this, the quest will be complete. The Runner's Shop is located in The Villa and your passcode is 2424. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Mysterious Room +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Caravan Run, The Spitting Camel NPC : Gimyr Gimyr will meet you on the street of Caravan Run as you are heading to the Strip for the very first time. He will hand over a key which Bejala gave to him the night of her death. This particular key will unlock a room on the second floor of the Spitting Camel. Found inside will be a journal and a letter that Aunt Aries sent to her niece Irena, which was Bejala's Shawl Sister. The information within the journal brings attention to the Forest of Mir and Aunt Aries asking Irena and her society for help. Take the journal and the note from the chest inside of the room to complete this side-quest. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Orange Stripe +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Benhi's Express, Menemon's Fingers NPC : Shop owner of Menemon's Fingers. The first time you speak with the owner, you'll have the opportunity to learn about Orange Stripe, a rare plant that grows in and around Almraiven but only in the evening. You can return each plant to the owner for a reward. Herbalore will pay you more dinars for this plant in hopes to take away business from Menemon's Fingers. Herbalore is located in The Villa. Jar of Flies will pay you the most, as the Goblin owner would like to take away business from both Herbalore and Menemon's Fingers. Located on Gypsy Roseway. Finding Orange Stripe at night : - Kingscourt, right by the front entrance to Aqua Majesta. - The Villa, Lady Tolas' Home, on her patio. * You must be on the Wenuth's Message side-quest to gain access to her patio. - Springwine Jones Estate, inside in the flower room, right by the fountain on the first floor. - Gypsy Roseway, Roof-top patio. * You must be on the Suldolphor Refugee side-quest to gain access to this particular portion of the city. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Personal Belongings +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : High Tower NPC : Bakadah You must gather the following items which are located in the High Tower. Dinars (Sleeping Chamber) Spell book 0-2 (Sleeping Chamber) The Incantation (Library) Body Preparation (Library) Brewing Potions (Library) You will not be able to leave unless you have collected all four books and picked up all your dinars. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Picture Perfect +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Runner's End NPC : Chelim You must speak with a Human Female named Uldoon and ask her about finding some work. She'll direct you to speak with Chelim, a young girl also found on Runner's End. Find Chelim, ask her about work and offer to help her lift a painting from an Abandoned House on Horseshoe Lane. There's something nasty and sticky up in the attic where the painting she needs is. Decline and she'll do it herself, not wanting to get killed by Rotten Rilley. If you venture to the attic, she'll be found dead up there. :( Offer to help and you have until MIDNIGHT of the day you accepted the quest to deliver the painting. Chelim will be waiting for you outside of the Spitting Camel. Head to Horseshoe Lane and to the Abandoned House, go up into the attic and kill the giant Attic Spider or use Invisibility to sneak to the chest and loot it battle free. :) Return the painting. You can bluff, persuade and intimidate Chelim to get more dinars out of her. If you keep the painting yourself, you can sell it. If you miss the midnight deadline, the quest will fail but you can still sell the picture. Tell her you got but are keeping it, she'll walk off very pissed and you might meet some trouble later on in the city when Rotten Rilley sends his collectors to collect! +-----------------------------------------------------+ Rotten Rilley +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : The Villa NPC : Kara You must speak with Kara, a street-side on The Villa while wearing street-side cloth and stitch to get this side-quest. You can also speak with the Halfling Female on Horseshoe Lane speaking with the old lady next to her. They appear from 11am to 5pm near the Abandoned House. It's the old lady that is constantly saying the password :) From 10pm to 5am you can try the door. The password you must TYPE as if you were chatting with people in an online mod. TYPE THE WORD: Asavir Note, this password will not work if you already received and completed Chelim's side-quest PICTURE PERFECT. The password will have been changed by then. Once inside a few things might happen. If you entered wearing your Auren Ring/Auren Robe/Staff/Bracers your cover in the city will be blown. Both thief guilds and society members will be there at Rilley's table. Your colors will ring true to them and you will suddenly be known in Almraiven. ** ** All ambush side-quests will then start getting triggered, Luanu will be killed, mage ambushes will begin and Purdee will start to appear at the front of your home warning you of what's going on in the city. Go in there as a street-side, not showing anything of who you are (no robe, no ring, and no staff/bracers) AND have not been speaking to folks about who you really are when they ask your name and you can receive the Tin side-quest. If you've been blabbing your Auren name when folks ask you who you are, Rotten Rilley will have you escorted out of his establishment, not wanting to do business with an Auren or offend his guests who do not care for you. If you're given the Tin side-quest, you will be escorted out but on good terms, none of the guilds or societies will know who you are and you'll also get paid for your service for doing the Tin side-quest. Either way, once you exit the establishment, this quest is complete. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Snake Bite +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Chamber of Thought NPC : N/A You will receive this side-quest once you've completed the Chamber of Thought side-quest. You'll need to speak with either Flaux or Luanu and ask them about poisonous snakes. If you talk to Flaux, he will give you directions to The Split, to speak with a fellow named Bado at the Animal Cage. You'll need to rent a raft from Water's Edge on Caravan Run to get to The Split. Talk to Bado and learn of the Medusa below the Green Drip on Cuttback Kat Alley. This will complete the quest and open up Cuttback Kay Alley to you. If you talk to Luanu (if she hasn't been killed), she will tell you to speak with Nyla, an old snake charmer who lives on The Split. You'll need to rent a raft from Water's Edge on Caravan Run to get to The Split. Nyla will only be available during the DAY. Knock on her door, tell her Luanu sent you and mention how Irena was killed and show her the blood sample. She'll give you a book to read. Return to your library, read the book and either speak with Flaux or Luanu about where to find a Medusa in the city. Get directions to Cuttback Kat Alley and the quest is complete. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Something in the Works +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : The Black Sands NPC : Robert the Blind Ask Robert the Blind, the bartender, about work. He'll want you to pay but you can bluff, persuade, intimidate, pay or even cast Charm/Scare to have him hand over the information. He'll tell you about a friend he met who's looking for some help and give you a wooden block to show the owner of The Shed. The Shed is on Gypsy Roseway. Make sure you get those directions from Robert if you have yet to receive them. At The Shed, show the owner the wooden block and he'll give you directions to go upstairs to the second floor and take the ladder to the roof. Meet Shayla Shay [COMPANION, Sorcerer Female] Her staff has the ability to communicate with Shayla and only Shayla. She's looking for someone to help rescue her sister, who has been taken by slave traders. Accept, gear up and head into the old ruins of Almraiven below the city streets. Your task from here on in is very linear and simple. Search the buildings of Nightwatch Wharf and gather what information you can. You'll soon realize that The Darkness killed the slavers and you'll also have to battle some Blackened Souls, spirits left over that now hunt those who walk in the Land of the Living. Find the key in the Raven's Nest, which will unlock the door to The Amber Sail. Inside, speak with the slaver to learn that Shayla's sister might still be alive. Head to the waterfall and climb up it; follow the river. Battle more Blackened Souls and find the cave with the fire burning around it. Inside is Shayla's sister. Take her back to the boat, then the campfire to learn what happened and then back to the surface. Shayla will give you thanks and offer her services to you if you ever leave Almraiven. Her contact number is 9122. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Springwine Jones Estate +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Kingscourt NPC : The Second Sister You will receive this quest from the Second Sister below the Green Drip on Cuttback Kat Alley. She wants you to lift the Amulet of Reptiles before she'll hand over any information about the Floating Weaver. The estate can be entered a few ways. One is to wait until night falls. One of the guards leaves his post to wander the estate at night. Cast KNOCK by the door he was guarding to gain entry. Another option is to CHARM/SCARE your way via conversation on the guard posted at the front door or the other posted at the side door. You can also pay them if you CHARM them. They'll be so spooked via SCARE that they'll let you right in. Once inside you can do a few things. TIPS: If you open a door, remember to CLOSE IT! The guards will notice that a door has been left open and sound the alarm. STEALTH VIA MAGIC If you can cast Invisibility and Knock, you can simply move around invisible, cast KNOCK on the doors by the fountain to enter Springwine Jones private room. Inside is a key to the locked STONE DOOR in the fountain room. That's where you'll find the Amulet of Reptiles BUT to get out without sounding the alarm, you'll need the CANDLE from the display case out in the hall. Examine the window when you've picked up the CANDLE and MELT the window. Grab the Amulet of Reptiles. Cast Invisibility if you're able to again because you'll need to sneak past the GUARD DOG. If you have the MEAT from the cold storage room found on the main floor of the Estate and are not invisible, you can feed the Guard Dog. He'll let you pass once you give him the meat. If you're invisible, you can walk right on by, loot what you want and take the sewer grate out of the estate to escape. NON-STEALTH / NON-COMBAT Listen at the doors when they're closed for the footsteps. If you open the door and a guard is really near, you can close it quickly enough without them spotting you. Think of it as if you were opening it just a crack to take a peak. When you can't hear any more footsteps, it's safe to open the door and move around. You want to find the SERVANT CHAMBER. (North-East part of the estate). Remember to close all DOORS, even when you enter the servant's chamber. You can rest inside. Take the servant garb, the key, anything else you want and put on the servant garb. You can now walk freely and leave doors open AS LONG AS YOU WEAR THE SERVANT GARB! The guards will approach you on sight to speak with you. The guard walking the north-east portion of the estate is Raf. He/She will want some Orcish Wine/Ale, offer to help. This will give you an excuse to the other guard on the west side of the estate when he questions you. Before you head down, find the cold storage room and pick up the MEAT. You'll want it for the Guard Dog. He'll let you pass if you feed him. If you don't have ROPE, you'll find some down in the basement along with the Orcish Wine/Ale. Return to give Raf whatever you want, it does not matter. Now wait until Raf gets drunk. He/She will pass out in the pantry. This is where you need ROPE and a PILLOW CASE. Stuff the pillow case in his/her mouth and tie him/her up as well. This is to keep Raf from sounding the alarm when he/she wakes up. Now put on the gear Raf was wearing. Helmet, armor, staff, etc and head to the west part of the estate. Walk down the corridor where the sign reads "NO SERVANTS ALLOWED!" If the guard patrolling there isn't close by, you can enter the last room BUT CLOSE THE DOOR! The alarm will sound if it's open, regardless of Servant/Raf gear. Find the key that will unlock Springwine Jones private room. Do your best to sneak out of the room. If you're caught in the corridor with both DOORS closed, the guard will think you're Raf and want some Ale or Wine. You can get away by not having any, he just won't be happy with Raf when Raf wakes up :) Visit the display case if you haven't yet and pick up the CANDLE, then head to Springwine Jones private room. Loot what you want and grab the final key. This key unlocks the stone door in the fountain room. Inside is a window. Melt the window with the candle. Smashing the glass will trigger the alarm. Take the Amulet of Reptiles. Now it's time to get out! Head back into the basement and go to where there's a sewer grate. Enter it to escape the estate. ALARM SOUND / COMBAT If any of the guards suspects you of being someone you're not (a servant), they will engage in battle via a conversation. The alarm will sound. All Springwine Jones Estate guards that were outside will enter the estate to being guarding the exits. The City Patrol guards will be on high alert and will attack you if they catch you outside of the estate when you finally escape. Feel free to kill them all if you wish. The quest will complete once you get your hands on the Amulet of Reptiles. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Stolen Swordfish +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Mandrake Route NPC : Firien Firien can be found speaking with Arra between Luanu's Home and Woods and Goods on Mandrake Route between the hours of 11am to 5pm. Talk to her about swordfish and she'll go on to mention that a merchant on the Trade Ward is having his fish stolen. This merchant is found on Caravan Run and ONLY when you've received this quest and ONLY during the day. Head to Caravan Run to speak with the fish merchant and he'll tell you about how his fish are getting stolen at night. So, now you want to return to Caravan Run during the night and meet up with a Half-Orc and a Halfling (located near the Imp Cage). Talk to the Half-Orc and the Halfling who "smells like fish" will begin to walk away. If you fail to follow the Halfling to see where he's stashing the fish, when you return to speak with the merchant the quest will end. The merchant will have had all his fish stolen and be forced to begin living on the street. If you follow the Halfling, stay close enough until he vanishes in the alley. You'll learn of where the fish are being kept. Return during the day to speak with the merchant and tell him where his stolen fish are. He'll give you a reward and not go out of business. Quest complete. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Street-side Investigation +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Caravan Run NPC : N/A You will receive this quest once you've completed the Alchemy Investigation quest. Your goal here is to speak with four (4) NPCs during the DAY on Caravan Run to learn of what happened the night Bejala was killed. These four NPCs are static and do not move around at all when you enter Caravan Run afterwards. The fifth and final NPC is Gimyr found at Fisherman's Grill during the NIGHT. Once you have spoken to all five, your journal will be updated and you'll have to speak with Jenna and Rune one last time. Then the option to explore Benhi's Express will be available to you. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Suldolphor Refugee +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Runner's End NPC : Via Jax's Invitation quest After you've completed Jax's Invitation quest, this quest will open to you. NOTE : ONLY if you got into Room 88 and listened to what Jax had to say afterward will you get this side-quest. When you exit the Spitting Camel, this quest pops up and you'll have to create a Brewed Tracking Potion to follow the steps left behind from the one whom jumped out of the window of Room 88. Return to drink the potion and the steps will appear. Follow them right into the Piked Boar. If it's DAY, speak with the owner of the Piked Boar and ask your questions to learn the owner gave the lady directions to The Shed on Gypsy Roseway. Visit The Shed. If it's NIGHT, speak with Salaam Iringa sitting by the bar and ask your questions. He'll eventually give you directions to The Shed on Gypsy Roseway. Visit The Shed. At The Shed, go upstairs to the second floor. A room is being guarded by a member of the Shadowed Panurgk. Speak with her. If you offer to walk away, you receive some experience and dinars for your services. Quest complete. If you attack, you'll have to kill her and get the key to the room. Now if you killed her, enter the room and you'll catch just a glimpse of a foot climbing out the window. Dash to the window to follow the person! To the roof-top you go! Keep a quick eye on what she does and where she jumps from because that's your jumping point too. Spot checks during the chase will activate. If they pass, you'll spot someone else chasing her too! Follow her and stay on her until she enters a darkened alley. Save your game for the best result. You're going to have to deal with another member of the Shadowed Panurgk, who corners you for killing one of her sisters of the guild. Kill her as quickly as possible. The one you're chasing is now hiding out somewhere in the alley and you'll need to find her within 4 minutes REAL TIME or the quest is over. The three places she might be hiding: #1 From the alley you're in - Climb the ladder to the top patio - Climb down the other ladder on the other side - Enter the dead-end. If she's there, you'll be told and she'll appear. If not, try another of her hiding spots. #2 From the alley you're in - Enter the Rundown Home and go into the basement. Search all four corners. If she's there, you'll be told and she'll appear. If not, try another of her hiding spots. #3 From the alley you're in - Enter the Rundown Home and go to the second floor. Search the back room, far corner. If she's there, you'll be told and she'll appear. If not, try another of her hiding spots. Once you found her, speak with her and learn what you can. She'll offer you some goods to let her go after she shares her story. If you let her go, she'll tell you of a hidden key in the back alley on Horseshoe Lane for a room on the second floor of the Everburning Log. There you can find three hidden items under the wooden floor. BONUS : If you have yet to visit Cuttback Kat Alley and you do not pay the 10 dinar fee to pass Chelles' corner and get attacked, Lilly will be there to help you out. If you KILL her, her brother Fade begins to hunt you down. This is not an easy task for any thief, especially with very little to go on. Thus, Fade does not appear in Almraiven. He will though, in some other part of your adventure to come. Quest complete. +-----------------------------------------------------+ The Cuttback Murders +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : The Green Drip on Cuttback Kay Alley NPC : Bartender, Owner Ask for work and he'll tell you about some woman who comes around now and then asking about murders in the alley. Before you meet her, you have to be exploring the alley at night and find two bodies that get dumped there. Once you found both, return to the Green Drip and find Azuv. She'll ask you to help, up to you if you do or not. If you help her, she'll give you a ring. Speaking with the owner of Glitterdust on Caravan Run is an interesting turn of events. Flaux and Luanu can also help give you some basic information too. Once you learn what you can, return to speak with Azuv about the owner of the ring. She'll thank you and give you a reward and exit the establishment, ready for the hunt. During the course of your adventure, you will begin to find pools of blood and stakes littered on the streets or in a back alley or two. This is the work of Azuv hunting those who killed her children. Quest complete. +-----------------------------------------------------+ The Cuttback Murders +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : The Green Drip on Cuttback Kay Alley NPC : Bartender, Owner Ask for work and he'll tell you about some woman who comes around now and then asking about murders in the alley. Before you meet her, you have to be exploring the alley at night and find two bodies that get dumped there. Once you found both, return to the Green Drip and find Azuv. She'll ask you to help, up to you if you do or not. If you help her, she'll give you a ring. Speaking with the owner of Glitterdust on Caravan Run is an interesting turn of events. Flaux and Luanu can also help give you some basic information too. Once you learn what you can, return to speak with Azuv about the owner of the ring. She'll thank you and give you a reward and exit the establishment, ready for the hunt. During the course of your adventure, you will begin to find pools of blood and stakes littered on the streets or in a back alley or two. This is the work of Azuv hunting those who killed her children. Quest complete. +-----------------------------------------------------+ The Tale of Ruby Red +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Loom Avenue NPC : Newel Newel can be found outside of the Golden Goblet with two other female ladies. As long as you are wearing an article of clothing from A Needle in Wool, Newel and the ladies will speak with you. They'll invite you to the Golden Goblet in the evening for drinks and the tale of Ruby Red. You'll want to return to speak with them still wearing an article of clothing from A Needle in Wool. Sit down and listen to the tale. This is a very small introduction to Fade, a new thief in Almraiven making a name for himself. Fade is tied in with the Suldolphor Refugee side-quest, which surrounds his sister Lilly Lynn. Quest complete. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Tin +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Lilac Loft NPC : Rotten Rilley You can only get this quest if you have not completed the Picture Perfect side-quest and ONLY if you enter Lilac Loft wearing street-side cloth and stitch, NOT wearing your staff/bracers or wearing your ring AND NOT if you've been telling folks you're a member of the Auren Society when they ask you for your name. *PHEW* Other than that, enjoy! You'll want to talk to Olsen over at the Spitting Camel on Runner's End and learn of this Tin fellow he wants you to find. You can find Tin sitting over on Benhi's Express during the DAY. Go there as a street-side though so he can tell you his story too. Listen to it, return to speak with Olsen and receive your pay. You will then be paid by a Runner that Rotten Rilley sends. This will happen near the end of your adventure when you're going to visit the Runner's Shop. Quest complete. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Validation Request +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Kingscourt NPC : Dock Worker Only available between 11am to 5pm, right outside of Aqua Majesta working the docks. When she asks you what you do for a living, mention you work the streets but make sure you're not wearing Evelyn cloth and stitch or a robe from A Needle in Wool, otherwise she'll see right through you. She'll offer you a small running around task, to get the validation papers she has stamped by the proper authority. Accept and she'll give them to you. You'll need to first get them stamped over at Water's Edge on Caravan Run and then head to The Strip to speak with Bado over at the Animal Cage and get his stamp of approval. Once both of stamped the Validation Papers, return to speak with the female dock worker. Hand over the papers and she'll give you your reward. Quest complete. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Wenuth's Message +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Cuttback Kat Alley NPC : Drunken fellow Sitting outside of his tent right near the sign-post is this drunken fellow, who will mistake you for Wenuth, someone who's to pick "something" up. Pretend you're Wenuth and do your best to get the "something" he wants to give to you. Paying him is the best bet, but you can use bluff, persuade, intimidate or Charm/Scare spells. Once he gives it to you, read the note and pick up on this little side-quest. If you want to complete this task, go to Lady Tolas' home located in The Villa during the NIGHT. Going during the day, you'll run into her and she'll give you the wrong necklace just to save her hide. At night you can enter her home while she's sleeping, kill her, suffocate her or knock her out to get the necklace. You'll now want to head to the Golden Goblet to meet your contact. Take the message that you were given as proof of being Wenuth. Don't go into the meeting as an Auren or Evelyn, street-side is best. Get your dinars for making the lift or keep the amulet for yourself to sell. Quest complete. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Wood Delivery +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [NEXT] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Caravan Run NPC : Altay Altay can be found outside of Water's Edge between 11am to 5pm and if you have the time to spare, offer to pick up some wood for him over at Woods and Goods on Mandrake Route. Head over to Mandrake Route and show the owner of Woods and Goods the order form. The owner will then prepare a wagon full of woods and goods outside of his shop. Just click on the full wagon to deliver it back to Altay. Speak with Altay to receive your reward. Quest complete. +-----------------------------------------------------+ Wundra's Wonder +-----------------------------------------------------+ [TOP] | [PREVIOUS] Location : Mandrake Route NPC : Elthorian You can meet up with Elthorian on Mandrake Route during the night and he'll be found sitting in front of his tent preparing for the nights work. Wundra, one of his girls was cut up pretty bad but her brother Falis does not want to see or even speak with Elthorian. So, Elthorian will mention to you were Wundra lives if you want to look into it. Falis just might warm up to you because you're not in the same business. Visit Runner's End during the day and knock on Wundra's door where Falis will answer. Offer to go in and look at Wundra for Falis and he'll invite you inside his home. Now you'll want to explore his home and even the blood stains at the base of her bed. You're going to have to brew a Substance Lifter Potion [SL] to learn more about the look and smell of the blood. To brew a Substance Lifter potion, you will need : - Empty Potion Bottle (!) * Bought on the flying Imp on Caravan Run. * Bought at Veiled Crystal on The Strip. - Bonding Agent (!) * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Spider Silk (!) * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. - Palm Sap (!) * Bought at Herbalore in The Villa. * Bought at Memnon's Fingers on Benhi's Express. * Bought at Jar of Flies on Gypsy Roseway. Pour it on the blood to learn what you can, then return to your personal library to study the different blood of the wild kingdom. At this point, read the book and learn you need a Remove Curse spell (found at the Tweleve Orbs on Loom Avenue) and Belladonna (Bought at Herbalore, Memnon's Fingers or Jar of Flies). Return to speak with Falis and let him know his sister can be cured and he'll give you some dinars for the items you purchased. Exit and re-enter his home to trigger the next stage of this quest or you can speak with Falis first, get the dinars, then buy the items, then return. Either way you do it, the next event is entering the home to find Falis down on the ground and two Werefolk in the house. Kill both Werefolk and speak with Falis. He'll explain how they surprised him and he's going after them to save his sister Wundra. Offer to help and enter the sewers below the city. You'll want to work your way down to the third level, battle the Werefolk until you meet up with the ring leader sitting in his chair. He'll be calm, no worries kind of attitude. Speak with him to engage the final battle and event. Once you've taken care of him, take the key on him to unlock the stone door on the third level that will lead you to the cells. This is where you'll find Wundra. BONUS: If you've done everything you need to do for Darwien's Disappearance, your opportunity to heal and save her has arrived. NOTE: If you have not talked to Jaer and found Darwien's shoes and clothing to update the Darwien Disappearance, you won't be able to heal Darwien period. If you have not received the Darwien's Disappearance side-quest at this point, you will not be able to attain it later on. So do you save Darwien or Wundra? If you pick Wundra, Darwien turns into a Werefolk and attacks you. If you're on both the Darwien's Disappearance and Wundra's Wonder quest, Darwien's Disappearance quest will fail. If you pick Darwien and you've spoken with Jaer and found Darwien's shoes and clothing, Wundra turns into a Werefolk and attacks you. If you have Falis with you and you save Darwien, Falis will kill his sister and then turn on you! If you attempt to save Darwien but have not been given the Darwien's Disappearance side-quest, the healing will fail and both Darwien and Wundra turn into Werefolk, Falis will also turn on you. If you heal Wundra and Falis survives the adventure, Falis will offer his services to you as a companion if and when you leave Almraiven. If you heal Darwien and return her to Annex, Annex will offer her services to you as a companion if and when you leave Almraiven. The choice is up to you. Quest complete. |